What I Did Last Weekend

I took the opportunity to attend LTUE down in Provo this last weekend and it was awesome and slightly overwhelming as these kind of conference often are.

I feel like I learned a lot about a lot of things but here are some of my favorite things.

The panel on feeding an army was awesome. The panelists were all ex military some of whom actually ran logistics.

Jo Walton gave me some good advice about world building. Basically it’s about asking the right questions about the world.

As an anthropologist I found the bardic circle fascinating. This is a group that gets together to sing filk music which basically fan folk music. It was awesome to see how these some are performed, passed around and created. One of the guys wrote a couple of verses of a song during the filk session.

Over all the conference was a lot of fun and I’m looking forward to next year.

And here’s some pictures. I really need to get better at taking those.

The first pic is me at the hotel. The middle one is just a shot of one of the areas and the last is of the panel on historic communications. My friend M.K. Hutchins was on this panel.

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