Self Portrait

I’ve talked a lot about writing and sometimes talk about the projects I’m working on but I rarely talk about myself. I do this mostly because internet lands is scary and over sharing can be dangerous (Ron Swanson from The show Parks and Rec knows what I’m talking about). But I know that people like to know about the writers of books they love so here’s a little about me.

I am a part of the generation known as the millennials. Sad but true although I am ignorant to things like Venmo  and have never used a selfie stick and very, very rarely use hashtags and emoticons (mostly because I’d probably use them wrong) I am a part of that generation which feels like it spans about 30 years and keeps on growing.

I attended college at a school in northern Utah graduating with a bachelor’s degree in History and a secondary degree in Anthropology. I’ve worked in the government and private sector as an archeology technician, and currently earn my living working at a museum also in northern Utah.

If the Utah thing didn’t give it away I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints also known as the Mormons.

In addition to writing I enjoy movies, reading, being in nature, cooking, etc. I’m kind of a jack-of-all-trades matter of none kinda person so I know a little about a lot of random crafts and skills but don’t if you think I can paint the Mona Lisa you’ll be disappointed.

I love mythology and folklore. I’m not entirely sure where or when the fascination started but it’s here’s to stay. Some of my favorite books happen to be retellings of fairytales and my own work is littered with figured and creatures from folklore. I also love ancient history where the line between myth and fact can sometimes be a little blurred. I especially loved learning about the Greeks and Romans especially since I am half Italian. I  even took three years of Latin — most of which I have forgotten — and one of my biggest regrets from my college days was not taking ancient Greek even though it probably would have killed me.

Fun fact: Shakespeare was heavily influenced by the first century Roman poet Ovid when he wrote his comedies this is most easily seen in his play A Midsummer Night’s Dream where the play within the play retellings the story of Pyramus and Thisbe is almost a straight translation from Ovid’s telling in his work the Metamorphosis. Also if you’re familiar with Pyramus and Thisbe you’ll see that these lovers bear a striking resemblance to another star crossed pair with a tragic end…

Hmm food for thought.

Well that’s all the time I have for now. Happy writing. 

My poor attempt at taking a selfie and this is one of the better ones. 

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