

What would we be without the written word? Our lives are enriched by the stories we tell whether they are true accounts of events that actually happened or a fairy-tale we’ve heard since childhood.

I love words and stories. In college I studied history, mostly classical history, and gained an appreciation of the accomplishments of people who lived so long ago and far away. I also studied anthropology which for those of you who might be unfamiliar with the term is, in a nut shell, the study of all people through out all time. This broad field is categorized in four main disciplines: Cultural Anthropology, which studies living cultures around the world, Biological Anthropology, which focuses on the human body, Archaeology, which is the study of the material culture left behind by past peoples and Linguistics, which is the study of language. My anthropology background gives me a fascination with culture which along with a hearty fascination for myth and folklore has lent copious amounts of material for my imagination to run wild.

My imaginative inquests into the realm of my own story telling started before I began any formal training but my experiences have definitely influenced the world of my first publication Sign of the Wolf and will continue to play a part in many of my subsequent works.

I love the journey that we get to take with these characters and hope you will enjoy it too.

Thank you,

Ari N. Phillips


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