Red, White and Green

Have you ever thought about why we associate red, white and green with Christmas? Why not blue or orange or grey (cause let’s face it there is a LOT if grey in winter). I honestly had never given it much thought but it makes sense that those colors stand for something just as the red, white and blue on a barber’s pole stand for blood, bandages and veins. Don’t worry veins and bandages have nothing to do with Christmas blood in the other hand…

Red represents the blood of Christ and reminds us of His great atoning sacrifice.

White is the color of freshly fallen snow White is purity. We are purified through Jesus Christ so we can become pure like He is.

Green represents eternal life. The greatest gift of all.

There are probably other interpretations of these colors but this is what a few Google searches led me to (sorry I can’t remember the exact sites I went to) and it was one of those duh moments. Of course it makes sense that we should remember these attributes of Christ as we celebrate his day. Now as I look at the colors of Christmas I see that they are colors of Christ.

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