The sharp smell of chlorine penetrated Dave’s nostrils. It was better than the smell of the garish red bag he’d been forced to put on as he was stuffed unceremoniously into the trunk of a sleek sports car, also red. A girl no older than Molly was stretched across a poolside lounge chair, red framed sunglasses perched on the bridge of her nose obscuring half her face. One of those silly teen romance novels about brooding vampires, insecure werewolves looking for love, or forlorn abominable snowmen or some such nonsense was thrust to a side table with a squeal as soon as she laid eyes on the approaching group. Dave doubted the squeal was for him.

“OMG. I can’t believe Tyler Rift is standing in my house, by my private pool! And look our swimsuits match!”

Tyler chuckled backing as far away from the bikini clad girl as he could without bumping into the solid red wall of muscle behind him. The girl advanced draping herself around the pop star in a hug that was probably supposed to be seductive but was frankly just awkward as her sunglasses clattered to the cement as she tried to nuzzle her head under Tyler’s chin.

Dave had to give it to the young man he endured the attention well, or at least as well as could be expected under the circumstances.

“Do you want to go for a swim with me?” the girl purred.

He sidestepped as she tried to cling onto him again. “Actually, if you don’t mind I’d like to go home now. You see I’m leaving on tour tomorrow and-“

“Your tour’s been delayed a few days. Molly saw to that little detail already.”

“Um, are you referring to yourself in the third person?”

The girl threw back her head and barked with derisive laughter. “Certainly not. I’m way more legit than that looser and ten times hotter. I’m Ashley and if you’re not going to swim with me then you should make yourself useful.” She snapped her fingers and a thug hustled off returning moments later with a guitar. Tyler didn’t move.

“You do know how to play one of these, right?”

The  pop star crossed his arms. “I don’t feel like playing.”

Ashley’s smile turned downward. “Oh, no?” She snapped her fingers again and two giants broke away from the wall cracking their knuckles.

“On second thought I really should be practicing for the tour.” Tyler slung the guitar’s strap over his shoulder and began tuning the instrument. The goons backed away. “Any requests?”

“How about That’s What Makes You Wonderful.”

“That’s an All Directions song.” Ashley raised her hand. “But I’ll see what I can do.”

Dave’s stomach issued its signature roar. Ashley looked at him for the first time. “Who are you supposed to be and why are you here?”

“I’m nobody. Honestly and if you don’t mind I’ll just go on my way.”

“He was at the CE when we raided. Said he was an accountant that was kidnapped by Molly.”

“That sounds boring.”

“It is,” Dave assured her. “I’m sure you have no need of me, so I’ll just-“

“And let Molly get ahold of you again? No. You’ll stay here.” Dave’s stomach roared again and Ashley pulled a sour face. “Just not here, here. Guido is there something we can have the accountant do?”

“He could look at our tax statements.”

“And have him sitting all day in my office. I don’t think so.” A wicked little gleam came into her eye. “No, I have a better idea. Guido get Ken.”

Guido bobbed his buzzed head and bounded off.

Ashley’s lips pulled themselves into something that was more a sneer than a smile.

As Tyler began singing the second verse of the All Directions song Guido returned with a pale fellow with strings of gray hair atop his head that were the same color and consistency of the mop slung across his shoulder. Why he didn’t put the thing back into the bucket attached to the cart he pushed Dave didn’t know.

“Ken meet your new assistant-” Ashley paused. “What was your name again?”


“Dave. Dave this is Ken now go do something useful.”

Dave extended a hand to the sallow man. Ken thrusted the handle of a plunger into it. “Welcome aboard.”

Dave grimaced as he was led away from the pool. Ken led them to a maintenance closet. On one of the walls was a framed plaque. Ken Marrows Distinction Award for Service in the League of Janitors for Evil. Great. Dave the Account for evil had just become Dave, Janitor for evil.

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