Plastic ties chafe. A lot.

The police cruiser sailed over another bump jostling Dave and causing the ties to cut deeper into his fleshy wrists. He winced but he did not complain. He’d already tried to convince the men in blue that he was an innocent victim, but without Tyler there to collaborate his story its sounded ridiculous even to his own ear. Also, one of the officers recognized Dave from the explosive encounter he’d had with an office supply store.

Dave’s head knocked against the window. “Umph.”

“You tryin’ to break the glass back there?”

“No officer just wasn’t prepared for that last pot hole. Like I told you before I’m innocent of any wrong doing.”

The police officer harrumphed and drove over another pot hole. It was the last sound either of them made until the black and white vehicle screeched to a halt. The driver pulled open his door. He made it about a step when a small blast had him diving back into the car. He crawled across the seats and exited through the passenger door using the car as a shield between him and the assailant. Dave’s door was flung open. The peace keeper’s grip was firm as he jerked the accountant down to crouch beside him.

“On my mark we are going to sprint to that door,” the officer hissed pointing to the police’s station’s door. “Is that clear?”

Dave’s throat constricted. “I don’t-“

“Ready. Set. Go!”

The cop dragged him to his feet and the pair of them were running before Dave could muster the breath to yell. A bullet whizzed past the accountant’s head. Another shot pinged against something metallic. The cop cursed and shoved Dave through station’s front door. He tripped, and the cop almost tumbled on top of him.

Three officers were already there wrapped in bullet proof vests their guns drawn.

“What is happening out there Hansen?” The closest cop barked. He had an even more impressive mustache than Dave’s companion and had so much hair that if he’d given half of it to Dave they would both have a full head of dark locks.

“Shooters. At least two of them.”

“Did you get a look at them?”

“No. But as far as I can tell they’re not very good shots.”

“These guys must be crazy, whoever they are, if they’re trying to kill this guy at a police station. Right Wilson and Toufer get Tambre and Carmichael to suss out the situation.”

“Yes sir,” Wilson said. “Sir, Taylor and Chen are bringing in another batch from the raid. Should we tell them to take their suspects to another precinct for processing?”

“Yes. I will make that call myself. Now go get me those shooters.”

Wilson and Toufer left. The officer whom Dave assumed was the police chief barked orders into a radio. Static voices uttered unintelligible replies. Satisfied with the unintelligible static that replied the chief put away the radio. His glower turned on Dave and Hansen. “What are you waiting around for Hansen? Take this man to processing.”

“Yes sir.”

Hansen hustled Dave away. The accountant was finger printed, had his mug shot taken and finally was left sitting by himself in what he assumed was an interrogation room.

A file of papers slammed down onto the small table along with the chief’s fist. Dave jerked to full alertness.

“You’d like to tell me what part you played in the kidnapping of Tyler Rift?”

“Part? No part. I didn’t kidnap Tyler. I was kidnapped with him.”

“What connection do you have to Mr. Rift?”

“No connection really. I’d never met him in person until Weasel and Warthog brought him into my office and locked us in.”

The chief raised an eyebrow. “And why would they do this?”

“Because there’s a couch and he was unconscious.”

“Was he unconscious for a long time?”

“No. He woke up pretty fast.”

“And what did you do when he woke up?”

“Tried to input three years worth of expenditures and income voices into multiple spreadsheets.”

“Excuse me?”

Dave sighed. “Look I had nothing to do with Tyler’s abduction. I’m sure he’ll collaborate that statement. I myself was kidnapped by the same men he was this morning. I’m as much of a victim as he is and everything I have done this day has been under duress.”

“Victim huh?”

Dave nodded.

“Alright, victim, tell me everything that happened. We’ll see what we can do for you.”

Dave eagerly obliged.

The chief sat back. “That’s quite the story.”

“I swear it’s honest truth.”

“We’ll see about that.” The chief left.

Another officer took Dave to an empty holding cell. Hours passed but for the first time that day Dave’s heart was filled with hope. Once his story checked out he could go home. Where his sweet wife would be waiting for him. No wait, she was staying with one of their daughters for the week helping with sick children. Still he’d be in his own house. It was going to be wonderful. He closed his eyes and imagined he was lying in his favorite recliner.


The explosion knocked Dave off the narrow bench he’d been lying on. He choked on the dust and smoke that filled the cell. A meaty fist clamped around his wrist. The fist was connected to an even meatier man. “Come on Dave.”

“What?” Dave brain was somewhere between half awake and about-to-have-a-stroke.

Warthog grinned. “We’re busting you out of here.”

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